Tuesday, June 30, 2015

50: The Groundbreaking

This morning, a classic CSP thing happened. I’m sitting at my desk, doing work, then the director comes by and is like “Julius, do you want to join us for a groundbreaking ceremony for a sea wall?” and I’m like “sure, when are we leaving?” – “Now.” Yay to spontaneity! It was cool though, here’s a view of the current sea wall the school has.
 The groundbreaking! Kids were cheering, rain was pouring, people struggled to dig the symbolic shovels even an inch into the earth - I was happy!
This is the end of the current sea wall – the project will extend it by another 100 feet to also protect the main school building.
*Note on sea walls, just cause I can’t help myself: they only work to protect key features of the shoreline (from climate change leading to sea level rise leading to erosion and flooding), not the shoreline in general. There doesn’t exist a method to protect against sea level rise – beach nourishment, sea walls, mangrove replanting etc. only works to stall the inevitable.

In other news, there are currently 3 cyclones in the area, waiting to turn into tropical storms / typhoons. They’re not heading to Pohnpei though, but away from us (at the moment anyway). Pohnpei has historically been the “blessed” island, cause storms don’t usually hit the island, they are generated here and hit somewhere else O.O

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