Sunday, July 5, 2015

53: Life Updates

 Jayheart managed to dash into my room, claim my bed, and grab my ivory nut in the 2 seconds I left my door open (he’s not supposed to be in my room, for reasons I don’t yet understand).

My 21 year old host sister Carla visited from the US! She lived in Eureka, California, for the past 3 years and is visiting for the first time! Really interesting to hear what she missed most when she was in the US

It has been raining a lot this past week, due to the three (!) cyclone systems that are in the area. To give you an idea how much, Nohno said yesterday that she’s tired of the rain. Bam.

A side effect of the intense wind and rain is that there is no fish in the market (who wants to go out fishing in this weather), and also very little local food (read: tree falling on you in the forest). On top of that, Pohnpei ran out of rice, so Carla went on a splurge and bought lots of mini bags of jasmine rice. Nohno told me her secret of stretching the family rice in times like these: just put less rice and more water into the rice cooker! There’s a saying about that in German for soup, but I didn’t know people did that with rice. I would venture to say that it’s more noticeable with rice than with soup O.O

On Wednesday Pohnpei had special elections for 1 of the 14 congress seats. Sadly (in my opinion) Magdalena Walter, who would have been the first female congresswoman, only came in second (she’s also the only one whose platform I am familiar with).

Fun facts about coconuts: I just found to my surprise that one average sized coconut holds about 0.4 liters of coconut water. For my US friends, that’s roughly whatchama-bagillion-oh-wait-I-don’t-care fluid ounces. Also, I was wondering how healthy coconut is for you. Nohno: “lots of vitamins. Vitamin C, AHAHAHAHAHA” – for real though, where am I getting my vitamin c while I’m here? Coconut? Breadfruit? Maybe in some of the many banana species? Probably that one pineapple I had on Dehpek, and the 3 apples Carla brought from California… I’m just eating as local as I can and hope for the best, vowing to look up nutrition information on coconuts when the power/internet returns.

This Friday will be the inauguration of the FSM presedent, elected some time before my arrival. For that occasion, 200 people from Satawan (one of the Mortlock islands where my host dad is from) just came in by ship this morning. Nohno has cooked turkey tail (no local fish available) non stop this morning, cause they are staying in our village, and Pahpa prepared a presentation for them with some ground rules.

On Sunday, we went to church. We got going late though, so the catholic one was already over. Protestand church it is. When I asked Kodaro what kind of Protestant denomination, he said “the real Protrestant.” When I asked him what the mass was about afterwards he said “about God.” Apparently the sound system in the church was not good enough for him to catch the details (I was actually thinking that they mumbled more than usual…). All I caught was “See sis” = Jesus

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