Thursday, May 14, 2015

06: My House

 My host family lives on the beautiful peninsula of Sokehs, and from what I gather my host dad is kind of a big shot in the village – half of whom are somehow related to him anyways. The plants with the big leaves are taro – a really amazingly resistant starchy root that can grow to be so big, it takes 6 people to carry a single root.

View from the porch: in the background those are huge mangrove trees. CSP and MCT are actually in the process of setting up a conservation management plan for mangroves on Pohnpei, and the pilot project will be exactly those ones. Pretty awesome. 
Another view from our porch: banana trees everywhere! There’s lots more banana species than the one available in the US/Germany. I just had one for lunch that was small, pale pink, and had a sour note. Delicious! I also had pork and chicken for the first time in 3 years. Very anti-climactic, tastes exactly like I remember. Lunch was served as part of a multi-hour meeting with community leaders and chiefs (!) on the topic of locally managed marine protected areas. Gave me the chance to practice the one honorific phrase I know (Kaselehlie maing instead of just Kaselehlie as “hello”). 

Not much to say about this picture. BUT, I can now finally remember my highschool-age host sister and two host-nieces’ names: Tarla, Lauyan and Jingchan.

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