Trip to Madolenihmw: A view from the gas station – the white
waves in the distance is the barrier reef surrounding Pohnpei.
left to right: Eugene (head of CSP) sitting, Kesdy (marine team, my
supervisor), and Jorg (also part of the marine team), and then the community
leaders of Madolenihmw. Of course taken in a nahs next to a small shop that
sold ice-cold water (literally partially frozen). After the meeting we “debriefed” at a local sakau bar, where they also served us free food (banana, fish soup, fish sashimi – parrot fish is tasty!). We were sitting beneath an “apple” tree (the one with pink flowers), surrounded by coconut trees, banana trees, breadfruit trees, and mountains in the distance!
Brother, I really like your blog. I'm not sure how I didn't know you have this going on. Hope everything is fine w/ you. Visit us soon!