Tuesday, May 26, 2015

28: Killing it at Baseball (ok, Softball)

Yesterday after work I played the first baseball/softball game of my life with the CSP team. We played the Judiciary – it’s kind of a thing for different companies, NGOs, government ministries, and embassies to have teams and challenge each other to fun games. Baseball is huge on Pohnpei, I think it’s the Japanese + US influence combined (they call it both “baseball” or “iakiu” from the Japanese yakyu).
For my German peeps who don’t have a clue about baseball (like me), softball is like baseball except the field is smaller, the ball is bigger, and they through the ball to the batter in a nice curved way instead of a deadly fast and straight way.
Here’s what happened in a nutshell:
1) we lost 3 to 33, so that made it much more fun and chill for me to figure things out, cause there was no pressure (lots of giggling and laughing from the whole team throughout)
2) Out of the I think 7 innings we did, I batted 3 times, hit the ball 2 times out of 3 (the first time was a SHITSHOW) and even made it to third base once.
3) when we were in the field, I was catcher, and I did not make a total fool of myself (the only responsibility I was assigned was to throw the ball back to the pitcher if the batter misses, though as I found out later, there are other responsibilities I should have done that they covered for me)

4) I played in flip flops, as did a bunch of other people. It rained for a while, which was a nice. The game was like 4:30pm to 6pm, so I did not get sunburned, even without sunscreen (I now have a back up sunscreen stash at my desk, just in case).

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